Blogging Zone

feel free to read

Entry 1: Welcome to my Blog!


This blog is for talking about things I know and a little bit about myself! Currently just coding more to this site so I can like it more. I already love it but there is never enough. The blog entries go from Newest(top) to Oldest(bottom)!!

I don't know what else to say here, wizard gif

Wizard Strut


Entry #13: School :P


Not at school when I should be rn. I have a meeting thats related to college today so I got to go home early! I saw some of my friends (usually I dont see most of them cause we dont share any classes) today which was awesome I love seeing my friends. I had to finish writing a "practice essay" for an exam that literally in two days which sucked and there was a fire drill BUT I'm chilling at home now until its meeting time. School ends soon and soon I will be studying fish !!! very short entry because I don't really know what to write byebeye!


Entry #12: Fantasies :P


There are so many things I want to do its awesome thinking about them.. I'm gonna ramble about them now!! I woke up and one of my first thoughts was of being in an aquarium. I love aquariums Ive never met a person who doesnt like them. Fish are so awesome.. I did get a little scared cause I thought I heard someone tapping on my window then too (it was nothing btw). Thats something I think about sometimes too :0. What if I hear something tapping on my window and its just like a friend of mine outside. That'd be cool but also weird cause I don't live near any of my friends o_O. Maybe in the future when I live somewhere else. It could be like in Scream when Billy gets into Sids room through the window ^_^. I think ever since I first saw Scream like.. 6 years ago (?) I thought that would be so awesome. Also like, just hanging out on a roof of a house. I've done it before but not with my friends so it's not the same -w-. It's fun to be on a roof, its also kinda fun seeing people who are afraid of heights be scared of it because then I can help them get down if they did go up. Any chance I get to go on a roof I will take because I like being on roofs (its fun!). I'd also want to just listen to the radio or my CDs with someone. Its fun! I love music a lot so when I get to make someone listen to stuff I like I have a blast!!! If Im in a car and someone ever decides to let me control the music I will have so much fun. I HeART MUSIC!!!!! Im listening to music as I type this. Not the playlist thats linked on this page tho just clicking random songs on yt :P.

I've mentioned this before but I think being in a band would be fun! Because I've already talked about that I dont feel like typing about it again. Going to an escape room or something would be awesome too! Or going to concerts!! I've never been to a concert for a band I like and Im so sad about that ;(. I might see Aerosmith for their farewell tour but those tickets cost so much... I hope I can see bands I like live in my life because its been a dream of mine for-like-ever. I know so many people who've been to concerts and I wish I could too. I was going to see Billy Idol at a music festival but my parents changed their mind about driving to the venue, it would've been this friday too. One of my friends said she might take me to see a Pink FLoyd tribute band one day which Im excited about! Don't know when though. This next fantasy is kinda corny but I want someone to write about me too. LIKE IN A GOOD WAY. Its nice hearing songs written about someone the artist cares about and I want someone to care about me like that (teehee). I do things like that but not writing, I draw about it :P. Usually it's related to my partners but sometimes its about a crush. I haven't done that in a while but because I dont know how to do that in a way I haven't before. I just realized how very "these are things I'd want in a relationship/as a date" things oops. WHATEVS! I will keep going because these are fun to list ^_^.

Ohh it would be so fun to do karaoke with people. I do it a lot actually (with family) but I've only done it with my friends like twice. I love karaoke even though Im NOT good at singing lol. Its super fun and I like having fun with my friends!!! I love trying to sing a song then dying because I dont know how to sing the way artists I like can ^_^. FUNNY STORY RELATED TO KARAOKE! I once walked into my fridge while holding a glass cup and it fucking EXPLODED and the song that was playing was like halfway done. I had to sweep up the glass and I went outside to throw it away in the trash and when I went back into my house fuckign Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit was playing. Story done! Theres a really good karaoke place I go to in NY when I visit my cousins that live there and its so great. Its like one of those karaoke rooms things and the food they bring is awesome. Back to more fantasies, this one is literally impossible btw. I think it would be awesome to be a vampire or maybe a werewolf. NOT IN A TWILLIGHT WAY!!!!!! Vampires are cool I wanna turn into a bat and suck peoples blood and become mist. I hate how bright the sun is so I tihnk I'd be okay. Im pale (NOT LIKE PASTY WHITE BTW. Im pale for a brown person) because I hate the sun. I like its warmth but it hurts my eyes even if Im not looking at it (I used to stare at the sun a lot as a kid). Being a werewolf would be cool but if it turned me into the animal, so I guess this one is kinda like Twillight. Major downside, I HATE DOG SMELL!!! I dont wanna smell like a dog. But wolves are super cool and Im a furry so :P. I should probably stop this entry because my laptop is gonna die. Bye bye!

gir :3

Entry #11: Fun!


Today was so fun for me! I went to a mall with some friends ^_^. I got a Slipknot poster, a book of Harlan Ellisons best short stories (yay!!), and a Deftones CD (diamond eyes !!!!). I know I said I wasnt gonna get more CDs for a while but I shrimply cant resist. They had more too like The Black Parade and Danger Days MCR, Countdown To Extinction Megadeth, Weezers Black Album, Slipknot Vol 3, Dookie Green Day, and Hybrid Theory Linkin Park! It was so hard to pick which one I wanted cause I didnt want to go completely broke o_O. I only have $12 to my name now... IT WAS FUN THOUGH! Usually I dont get to hang out with people irl I really hope to do that more before I move away from my friends in August. Also I got to see my friends school production of Heathers!!!! It was so good I loved it! Its the last performance my friends will do stuff at the schools theatre cause we're all graduating this year -w-. I love plays I love music I love my friends!!!! Very short entry because at the time Im writing this (10:50 PM) I wanna be ASLEEP! I am tired! Bye!!!!

I would go INSANE without music

Entry 10: Musicians!


First of all, blogs in the double digits now yay!! Anyways I made a list of musicians Ive obsessed over in my life lol. It all started in middle school when I was justa tiny bit obsessed with Ringo Starr :P. Out of all of the musicians on that list I've been the most normal about him, Vic Fuentes, Ryan Ross, John Taylor, and Wednesday 13. The newest ones are Euronymous, Dead/Pelle, and Robert Smith o_O. Musicians are literally so cool to me. The ones I put in the list make music I like, I think theyre kinda cute, and I think music is cool therefore ^_^. I think it would be nice if I had photos of the musicians I like on my wall or something. I have a photo of Duran Duran in my room which has John Taylor but thats it. It'd be super funny if I had a lifesized cardboard cutout of one of them too :P. If anything I'll probably just get more magazines, I have a GNR magazine that I look at when I wanna see Slash or Axl ^_^

As I get older I will become more obsessed with more musicians and it'll be awesome! I dream of musician partner but I also know thats totally an awful idea lol. I actually tried to start a band before but it didn't work out. Maybe I will try again in the future, I think it would be fun. I wonder if I was a some-what popular musician if people would feel the same way about me as I do the musicians I obsess over o_O. I think people think Im charming? Ive had people I know ask me out before and I dont even know how I managed to get my partners to fall for me considering I am just being meeeeeee. Also people I dont know compliment my swagger sometimes. Maybe if I did music more people I dont know would think Im cool ;3. Thats not gonna happen btw, music is just a hobby for me and I dont really like making my own music that much ^_^. I'd totally start a band for fun again but just to have fun with my friends. :P

Back to musicians! Im like so devestated that I haven't been able to see any musicians I like live -w-. Some of them are just dead or dont tour anymore which makes me so sad. I wish I had a time travel machine so maybe I could see them. Or if I knew any tribute bands that'd be awesome too!! At the height of my obsession with boys in Glam Metal bands I think awful things happened. And by awful things I mean pinterest called me a GROUPIE. A GROUPIE. I would probably never be a groupie >_<\. One of the WORST things to happen to me that didn't change my life forever tbh. Can't a girlboy think musicians are hot without wanting to fuck them? I think I can think theyre hot forever and always without wanting that ^_^. I dont really know what else to type cause I dont want to ramble into specifics as to why I like those musicians so much, my friends can get that knowledge. Baiiii

robert smith <3

Entry 9: Just Rambling ^_^


IVE BEEN HIT WITH A CURSE. I got a crush -w-. I told the polycule Im in and one of them said it cursed me 💔. I told like two of my friends about it too and they go "ooooo ooooo" its nice but also driving me insane o_O. Not really I love my friends but none of my friends ever try talking me out of crushes when I tell them about the crush so I go crazy thinking about the crush lol. I had one friend I mentioned the crush too and since theyre also polyam they understood the curse :P. I think Ive had this crush for a few weeks now but I was ignoring it on purpose cause thats what I always do. The only exceptions are when I end up asking them out (RARLY!!) and thats scary lol. I'd rather someone ask me out but only two people I know have ever asked me out before so thats totally not gonna happen if someone else likes me. WAIT I LIE. I posted about it on a social media I shant name and one of my friends told me to avoid my crush like the plague, I thought that was funny but Im not gonna do that HEART. I dont feel like doing the thing to get a heart emoji so imagine it ok ?

IN OTHER NEWS! I got a new amp for my guitar and I got new CDs! Now I have 19 albums ^_^. I want so many more CDs, it was record store day on saturday but I dont live near any record stores and I want to save my money so no new CDs for a while HEART BROKEN. The new CDs I got are Fallen, Evanescence and Kill 'Em All, Metallica! Since the day I post this is Robert Smith's birthday I really wanna get a The Cure CD but I can't which makes me sad. I can burn a CD full of just The Cure though! Maybe not now, Im writing this when Im supposed to be asleep o_O. CDs are so wonderful my favorite gift Ive ever gotten was Pinkerton Deluxe Edition from one of my friends! It makes me so sad that people like LPs/Vinyls more than CDs. When I go into like the few stores that sell physical music there are always so many LPs and only a few CDs. I think if someone asked me what albums I want and then bought me CDs for them I would love them forever and ever. I would probably burn CDs full of songs they like for them. I already want to do that for my GF but we live so far apart and I dont want to pay for shipping, maybe in the future I will if I still have my DVD Drive (or if it even still works, hopefully it will cause i got it for free). Gonna end this entry now, bye bye!

mcr cd, three cheers! I own a CD of this

Entry 8: Haiii


Happy new year! I need to fix everything that broke on here lol. I've been not doing that because I just didnt feel like coding tbh. My sons (rabbit) birthday was this month! he is 4 years old now ^_^. Also I'm going to be going to college soon which is fun. This year will be one of the last years I visit my family in Colombia for a while just because I'll be focusing on school after it. Maybe I can make this site look super cool again soon.

I've gotten into a few new things lately! I watched all of Metalocalypse in like 5 days and I loved it (this was like February) and I started watching House M.D. like four days ago. They are fun to watch I like them :]. I'm also listening to the radio more often just cause the radio is fun. And I long for more CDs. Soon I will have so many.

oickles hits nathan

Entry 7: Update!


Hi hi!!! I'm back!! I didn't forget about this site I just havent known what to do with it for a while. Thought I would give a short update. First of all, I'm still in school but I graduate this school year so thats awesome! I've mostly been trying to take it easy cause I only need to do two of my classes (required for graduation, my last credits) and the rest are electives. I've been drawing a lot but still don't feel like putting it up on the art page yet. I will soon but after hearing about discord not being able to host links anymore I'm hesitating to add more of my art because I use discord for the links. >_<\.

It's October also!! I'm excited for halloween and have been watching horror movies! I saw Saw X in theatres and it was amazing!!!!!! I hate Hoffman so much ^_^. I'm going to be Harry Warden/Axel Palmer from My Bloody Valentine 1981 for a halloween party!!! I've been playing a lot of DBD about it too, also watching my friend stream it. I think everyone should watch some random horror movies this month btw, it's fun.

I also have been playing guitar more lately, I can play more songs but I'm not good at lead yet though. I would love to play lead guitar but for now I am fine with just doing rhythm guitar!! One of my electives is guitar cause I'm not allowed to have a free period so I can learn more. I'm going to be thinking about music a lot lately so if I make another entry it'll probably be about music. That's all for now, bye!

billy the puppet

Entry 6: Hello!!


I know it's been a while, I've been somewhat busy lately. School and stuff ya know. I'm thinking of customizing this site more or making a new one to feel more like me. Not any time soon though. My last year in high school just started and I get to see my friends again!!

I made more art but I haven't posted it to the art page yet and I won't for a while. There's nothing wrong with the art I just don't feel like posting it up there yet! I've drawn more things for friends, more furry art for mee, and dnd oc stuff. Also Guilty Gear! I've been really getting into Guilty Gear in the past month!!

That's it for my small update!! See you soon!

Dizzy Undine and Necro

Entry 5: Birthday!


It's my birthday today! I am back in my house from a trip to see family and now I'm 17!! Going to do things with my friends later in the day and thats about it! Updates will be a bit slow because I have more things to do know that I'm home (like play Guitar and take photos of my rabbit)!!! That's all for this entry, just a little update, baiiiii X3

nyan cat

Entry 4: Bands, Music, Alt stuff


I like never talk about this outsied of my friend groups, but I love playing instruments. When I was younger I loved hearing songs by bands like Linkin Park, SOAD and Evanescence. My family played a lot of Alternative music (usually Punk and Goth music but sometimes Emo) so since I was a little kid I've wanted to be in an Alt band. Now that Im older by like, over a decade (Im still young tho Im just a teen) I have more bands I listen to that inspire me to start a band. Technically I do have a band, but we can't really practice together or anything. I Might make a whole different band, one that might actually work out. Nowadays Im listening to more alt music. I had a phase where I listened to like, Lemon Demon, Oingo Boingo, Will Wood (and the tapeworms), but that ended as soon as I found out MCR was back lol (I do like those bands tho). Now my favorite bands are Weezer, Pierce The Veil, Get Scared, Finch, and Linkin Park! I'd love to cover their songs for fun with a real band in the future. I know how to play some of their songs on my electric guitar (named Bernadette, after the IAMX song)!

Now about alt stuff. I think about it like all the time cause I've been alt since I was a little kid. I never looked alt because I couldn't get the clothes, but thats fine because being alt isnt about the clothes! Especially with the subcultures I'm a part of. I've made a few tumblr posts about Punk specifically[1][2]!! It's a very sad to see Alt Subcultures getting turned into aesthetics or getting gentrified by posers (I want posers to just not water us down, I will throw cement blocks at them if they don't stop). I also hope that corporations stop trying to sell "punk" things because they are part of the problem, more than the people who fall for their tricks. Don't buy "punk" things unless its like, custom made or by a small business okay? Also support your peers and don't talk over People of Colour ESPECIALLY BLACK PEOPLE. Talk over them and you will never survive. (Not) Sorry for all the threats, I like typing them. Steal from corporations, Piracy is always the answer, be careful with the symbols/patches/pins you wear so you don't get jumped. Mwah Mwah, if you read all this I love you (well not really but thank you ^_^) !!

Entry 3: ASCII ART


First, thx for 2 followers! Waving to y'all :3 !! Anyways do people still post their ASCII art? I have some that I made during the school year I feel like sharing. I made them on Google Docs with the Courier New Font, size 10.5! Here they are :3

kittyouppywolf howlingbatHOMESTAR RUNNERSlenderman

I should create more ASCII art soon. A tip! You really gotta fuck around and find out, also not all ASCII art is made the same!! ENJOY!!!!

Skeleton war gif

Entry 2: Thoughts on Coding


When I was younger I didnt think coding a website would be as fun as it is! I also thought it'd be insanely hard but I was wrong ^_^ !! It's also not as boring as I thought it'd be, just kinda annoying. With background noise (usually music or a video) it's less boring. Making this site also made it easier for me to remember html, unlike the other sites I have coded on (myspace93, spacehey, tumblr). I'm not good enough to post tutorials on coding but I can probably help someone with a little. Well bai bai!!


Main Site/Home Page!

Art Page!!

Horror Blog!!

What I listen to when I'm coding this


House of Leaves PDF too

Wolf Howling Gif Click This